Tuesday, August 9, 2011

If No one walks with you, walk Alone

A friend’s FB status read, ‘Maturity spoils all the fun’. Impressed, i asked myself, “What is fun anyway?”. If to be aware of the long term consequences, to follow the footsteps of the wise and to stand on the shoulders of giants is not cool, then what else? Ignorance definitely isn’t funny. When i feel more isolated, lonely and confused, i was advised to apply this test to check the path i tread. With some customization this is what it is. 

1)   Am i being selfish and hurting someone in the process?
2)    Am i proud of bringing this to public knowledge?
3)    Will the heart that i admire and love the most, be happy about it?

It has worked for me till date in steering me back to where i wanted to be in my pursuit of what i wanted to be, without any side effects and i find no reason to abandon it for the fancy of some alien logic.

"When we are committed to a path that’s tough, be assured, we find the roads less crowded" the wise so say. On close observation, the tougher path is in fact a dotted line; it requires tiny leaps of faith, one at a time. We are neither alone nor uncared for. God is indeed the eternal gardener...don’t believe?  Subject yourself to a quiet moment and you find the truth waiting to be welcomed at your very door step.

“Then, why there is difference?”, i asked. Prompt came the reply. Some plants need to grow tall, some creep, some broad and yet some colourful. All are needed to make the garden complete and all are cared for as per their entitlements (the elegant theory of karma!). Does the tree sing a melancholy strain because the very root* that sustains it, also binds it. It realizes the limitation and grows broad and skyward. It happily submits it’s canopy as a caravan to the winged in their flights of fantasy. May be there is a lesson in this. I am waiting for my quiet moment.

* 'the sustaining root binding the tree’, is a phrase borrowed from one of my favourite Telugu film songs.

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