Tuesday, June 14, 2011

On wasting Food...

Ever wondered why food is respected here in India? Those of us with traditional mindsets continue to pray before we eat. We bow in reverence when we stamp it under our feet. Why is this so? When everywhere else in the world food is treated as a commodity to be consumed, we strangely call ‘annam parabramha swarupam’ (Food is a manifestation of the Divine), raising it to the altar of the divine.

I understand the key lies in recognizing food as the life giver and benefactor which deserves respect. Each of us might have been flooded with email forwards about the dire conditions of some sub-saharan country and the contrasting lavishness others are suffocated in. You might ask, what difference does it make. The answer, strangely is hidden in a rhetorical question. How did Gandhiji make a difference by dressing conservatively? The key my friend, is empathy.

The entire universe is connected by a strange web of love and faith. If you are child like, it becomes a mother to caress you. If you are heartless, its a ruthless task master. Empathy- is a prayer that heals the suffering without anything being exchanged. So, i think its clear why wasting food is a self injurious activity. To make it clearer, let me give an analogy. How does it feel, if all our life’s achievements and aspirations are nullified at a single stroke by some unknown force? Then, why this discrimination, for, every grain is a plant’s life time achievement. Please don’t undermine.

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