Monday, February 13, 2017

Wise and Otherwise - Sudha Murty

1)     Honesty comes from the heart
2)       On human foibles – we like to have false sense of importance.
3)       In Sahyadri hills , a lesson in humility – give when you take, do not take without giving.
4)       Death without grief -  love is proportional to usefulness!
5)        When the mop count did not tally -  on being firm on right opinion.
6)       An old man’s ageless wisdom – who owns what?
7)       In India, the worst of both worlds – children do not care for aged parents and parents routinely leave their wealth for their children.
8)       Living through change – change in attitudes, festivals, values and ideas.
9)       When telegrams were bad – clarity in communication
10)   A man too clever by half – only  an honest human being can be a good writer
11)   A bond betrayed on rakhi day – no end to wickedness
12)   A lesson in life from a beggar – zest for life, be happy – always.
13)   Forgetting our own history – importance of knowing our past
14)   Cause, then cure – the strange things people do
15)   Stove bursts or dowry deaths – greed for material things is growing
16)   Idealists at 20, realists at 40
17)   What is a Red-letter day? A holiday – a day to remember turns to a day to merry.
18)   Once upon a time, life was simple – laws and society have become complex.
19)   Powerful politicians and unsung donors – politicians hijack the agenda and credit of good work.
20)   Wretched  of the earth –  extreme poverty, saree donation
21)   Salaam Namaste – returning the money left after treatment!
22)   A wedding to remember – wedding commitment, always beside!
23)   Insensitivity index- spending lot on functions and pretending to not have anything for donation/ help.
24)   To sir with love- value of selfless teachers
25)   Pay or I’ll commit suicide- true meaning of help
26)   Not all’s wrong with the next generation- knowledgeable youth
27)   Think positive, be happy-worrying doesn’t solve problems
28)   Light as many candles as possible- it is more difficult to recognize our weakness than our strength.
29)   Woman with a mind-education, confidence and independence need not go together!
30)   The IT divide-we are judged based on how we appear & its to us to give credence
31)   Where there’s a will – service without aiming for recognition
32)   Crisis of confidence-education and financial independence help us face difficulties but confidence must be developed throughout life.
33)   The price of jealousy-no genuine friendship, no affection, no sharing
34)   The truth about women-respecting women in Scandinavian countries
35)   A life with dignity-a swami helping women’s cause.
36)   On column writing-multiple reactions to what we write
37)   The nobel prize-anything for the betterment of human race should be respected and awarded
38)   Alliances invited – time and circumstance change ritual and people
39)   Willing candidate – willing to learn
40)   Sorry, the line is busy- value of advice and age
41)   Be fair to others- different yard sticks
42)   Bonded by bisleri- luck in tragedy?
43)   Bahut kuch hota hai-it is better to light a candle than curse the darkness
44)   Oh teacher, I salute thee – when children grow up how will they remember you
45)   Treat me as human- engaging others as human beings
46)   An unknown benefactor from Chennai-donation in selfless way
47)   Life is an examination – same circumstances, different responses
48)   My money, your money – money should come slowly over a period of time. Then only does one respect it.
49)   Is life fair? – if you want it you can make it fair.
50)   Three bright young men – different mindsets, different reactions!

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