Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The revenge of the fallen...

At the outset i have to admit that i am a fan of Roger and the following would elucidate my stand.

For those who watched the final at Roland garros (most likely on TV!), would admit that the return of the king was evident from the word ‘go’. The focus and confidence radiated didn’t need any indicator. This was in contrast to his earlier final appearance, where prejudiced writers coined words like, shadow of the self, mental block, devils of defeat etc. etc.  Yes, it was true to some extent as admitted by the icon of Basel but that was not where it ended, for the saga continues.

I am not an ardent follower as the above might suggest but am charmed by his modus operandi – simple, composed, low fanfare and emotionally ceiled. When on court, he means business but not to the extent of being called a ruthless merchant. Very few champions conduct as champions, in my opinion with limited knowledge - Sachin Tendulkar, Rahul Dravid, Vishy Anand and AR Rahman (i am talking about champions by the way!).

Let me move on to the field of analysis which appears traditionally before conclusion.  The world judges us by the victories that we hold but seldom counts on the experience failure rewards us with and truly, what use is the experience that does not result in success. Some great thinker has said, “Wave is my inspiration, not for the fall after the rise but for the rise after every fall ”. So i guess, the lesson is clear.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What the hell am i doing here?

too much to answer?

Disclaimer: The following content has purely been my inspiration derived from various sources that i trust in and the thought process that eventually followed. The text is self abashing and i wish to consume it all by myself!

I gather this is how our age old wisdom was prompted to march on, to a more decent question of-course, which had resulted in similar, simple yet profound answers... Tat twam asi...Aham brahmasmi...Ayam atma brahma. Guess, i had reached an all time high and would ground myself promptly.  
I just finished watching ‘The curious case of Benjamin Button’ and am floored by one particular dialogue- “Our lives are defined by the opportunities, even the ones that we miss”. Truly, all of us are presented with opportunities, some obvious and some masked. Few hold on tight, some with meteoric high await extinction, some ignore, some sleep over and all of this is not new. I believe God gives us a few threads to hold on and like little distracted children, we run from balloons to colour stones. Very few stay on and those who do, make history.
I feel we are responsible for our lives and the way we choose to live. We are our own attorneys defending our petty and pretty actions. The sooner we realize this the better it would be and am awaiting that experience. My only fear is of slipping to “make dreams my master” from “can dream” category. Till then let me stay hungry and stay foolish.