Aasman hain neela kyoon, paani geela geela kyoon, gool kyoon hain sabi.... this was how Farhan reminded us of our forgotten questioning spirit and take it for granted attitude and true to its import we all hummed the tune lustily. As a student who pledged loyalty to physics, i am caught between the childish zeal which we all would like to have back and the glaring absence of science in our upstairs. Though many eminent voices highlighted this time and again and despite the multitude of prescriptions, the problem still resists eradication. The solution primarily is with the age old magic word...money. It might sound cynical but truth often requires a digestive aid to go down well. Given the Indian scenario and our well knit family tradition and inter dependence, money is essential, barring a few who are too happy to ignore the gift. So, fundamentally the trend of the day is that science is increasingly orphaned for its fancier cousins. For those who continue to toil here, it‘s only the love for greater exploration that drives them. The recent policies though encouraging are not sufficient to dam this outflow. In this day of increasing opportunism and fleeting loyalties more needs to be done to prevent us becoming a nation rich in imported technology. The pessimist inside me mocks at my optimistic garb but i stay strong for now...and the answers are scattering, adhesion and surface tension... for the song of-course!